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Job creation through support to start-up businesses in Central and Eastern Bi

  • Duration: 11.03.2008 – 31.12.2008
  • Donor: Ministarstvo Inostranih Poslova Savezne Republike Njemačke, kroz Pakt stabilnosti za Jugoistočnu Europu
  • Budget: € 97.800.00
  • Region: Opština Foča i okolna mjesta

Donor: the German Foreign Ministry, through the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe € 97.800.00

Co-funded by:
the municipality of Foča (€ 10.000.00)
Financial contribution of each beneficiary (15% of the grant value)

Project in brief:

Help strategy is to:

  1. foster the development of the local economy according to the strategies expressed by the local authorities
  2. promote the self-employment and the job creation, contributing therefore to the reduction of the grey economy or black market
  3. better integrate youths and women in the development of the local economy


As for its previous similar projects, Help’s goal with this project is to support the establishment or updating of small businesses.

Forty beneficiaries were selected in the area of Foca and were assisted through provision of in-kind grants, i.e. machines, equipment, material or cattle. These beneficiaries will be advised and monitored in the process of business establishment.