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BOS225 – Sustainable job creation through targeted support in agricultural sector in East Bosnia and Herzegovina

Help started implementation of a new project ” Sustainable job creation through targeted support in agricultural sector in East Bosnia and Herzegovina ” at the beginning of June 2016. The project is financed by the German Government through Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe and co-financed by project municipalities. Activites will be implemented in the municipalities of Trebinje, Foča in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zvornik, Kiseljak and Olovo. The project will support creation or further development of 150 micro / small agricultural businesses. Presentation of the project for the population in Trebinje and municipality of Foca in Federation BiH has attracted great interest. The sectors in which interested persons can apply their projects are:
In Trebinje: Growing and processing of medicinal herbs, beekeeping, livestock production will be considered;
In Foca in Federation BiH: Greenhouse production, raspberries production, beekeeping.
Help provided grants in the amount of EUR 1,500 per person. In each municipality Help will support 30 clients.
The deadline for sending applications is 12.08.2016. Applications should be sent to:
Paromlinska 5, 71000 Sarajevo
Applications for the City of Trebinje are available in the premises of agency for Local economic development, investment and energy efficiency – of the City of Trebinje and the municipality of Foca in the Federation BiH for the applicants from that municipality.
For other project municipalities, information will be available soon.

The application can also be downloaded on this link:

SS1 Application form-full- BOSNIAN BOS 225